OMRA Monthly Meeting Minutes - 2/7/2018

Monthly OMRA Meeting Minutes

Present: Chuck W. Dave C. Tina C. Dan J. Shannon R 

Via Phone: Jordan R, Patty, Tom N.

General discussion regarding the Secretary position and what it entails. Dave made a motion to nominate Shannon Rivas for Secretary, Tina seconded. The motion passed.

Chuck discussed the Ochcoo land use lawsuit and asked Tom for an update. The case has moved to the second phase. Lobos have donated $1,000 and Nora donated $500. Other Clubs have said they will contribute and Officers will follow up with Club contacts. 

The Banquet is two weeks away; the space will be a bit smaller than before, but it will work. General discussion about finding ways to make the room less plain-banners etc. Chuck mentioned there is a $300 fee for the projector. Dan will bring his projector and will have to work on screen. Tina has got the insurance and Dave has the food set. Drinks will be needed-soda and water etc. Dan mentioned there is a Costco near by and could be bought there. General discussion regarding food and utensils needed. The trophies are ordered and scheduled to be here Friday, the approx cost is about $2,000. Dan reported on the Sponsors for the silent auction and Justin is also working on items. 

The banquet starts at 5:30 and set up should begin around 10am or so. Moto Sport has special raffle tickets for a couple big items and folks must go there to get the ticket. Dan will make signs for parking. Chuck mentioned getting the OMRA trailer as there are supplies in there; he will follow up. 

Tina requested a breakdown of the membership sales and banquet sales as there is no difference in the deposits. Patty mentioned that she will sell memberships via hardcopy and provide laptops so that folks can go online and purchase it there. Dan and Justin are working on a video, posters are in the works and “line cards” instead of brochures one will be for competition events and general OMRA info. These are less expressive and can be used again. General discussion re: quantities, and distribution.

General discussion about a photographer to take pictures during the event and a big group photo of the trophy winners. Dan will check around and Dave will help follow up. 

Patty reported that memberships are being sold in good numbers and things are going well. 


Justin got the video made; Patty said that the photos and video turned out really well. There was a total of 10 riders- 5 OMRA and 5 from the MMA. 

Dave mentioned that the program for free kids membership with paid competition needs to be better promoted. 

Jordan reported on the proposed trail crew workshop; the Crooked Finger area by Scotts Milles is suggested. A date has not been set and there was a general discussion re having class after fire season started, like after July1st. Jordan will create a proposal to present to the Board for a vote.

Tom reported that the quad is fixed and is ready for trail work. MRA said they would pick up the cost and Tom suggested splitting the cost with OMRA. It would be used about 30% on OMRA trails. Tom mentioned that chains and bar oil are needed for Lyon and Kurt, the two guys who perform a lot of trail work. Dave suggested having a better discussion regarding the multiple projects going on this year in March. 

Tom mentioned that $5 per Trail Crew sticker is too cheap however he believes that it’s a good idea in general. Jordan believes that selling the sticker defeats the importance of the time donated to actual trail work. Most agreed the sticker sales should have been handled differently. Several suggestions were presented regarding swag and how to reward the folks that do the actual work-one suggestion was to offer the sticker for $20 as a donation for the trailwork.

Dan reported on YSEP; things are going well. The instructors are working getting class schedules set for the year. 

Tina sent the financial report via email to Officers; she mentioned that the deposits need to be defined so money can be tracked better. 

Chuck mentioned that racing starts in March and Patty can’t attend on behalf of membership. Someone will need to be there as it is the first race of the year. 

Motion to adjourn at 8:56pm

BusinessJustin Lewis