Trail Work Day - Binns Hill Beginner Riding Area

Project Overview

This is a great project that will help our inexperienced, beginner riders become more skilled and safer out on the trail system. On the east end of Binns Hill Staging Area there is a fenced-in area called the Beginner Riding Area. It is an area where beginner riders can gain the skills necessary so that when they graduate and begin riding Hood River County trails, they will already have basic trail riding skills, will know how to understand trail signage, and will be safe while out on the trails. This area has never been properly developed. This work party will establish designated trail routes and install trail signage within the fenced-in area.

Work Day Objective

Complete the development of the Beginner Riding Area by establishing designated trail routes and installing trail signage.


Saturday September 24th, 2016.


Start time is 9:00am. The work party will end at approximately 1:00pm.

Place to Meet

Meet on the east end of the Binns Hill Staging Area near the Beginner Riding Area. 

Late Comers

No problem, just show up at the Binns Hill Staging Area at the Beginner Riding Area and join in.

Work Party Leader 

Jordan Rhinevault (Hood River County OHV staff) will lead the work party. Feel free to contact Jordan at (971)340-5596 if you have any questions.


Hand tools (loppers, rakes, shovels, Pulaskis, McLeods, hoes, etc.) will be provided but feel free to bring tools of your own.


Coffee, plenty of water, work clothes, gloves, sturdy boots, safety glasses, hat, water, lunch/snacks, sunscreen, rain gear (could happen), etc! Be prepared for some hard work, some easy work, and lots of fun!

Volunteer Hours

Your volunteer hours will be documented to help satisfy requirements for the County’s current Oregon Parks and Recreation Department ATV Operations and Maintenance grant. As always, this will be a big help for Hood River County’s Trail Program and will improve our trails!

Directions to Binns Hill Staging Area

1) From I-84 eastbound take Exit 62. Turn right onto Cascade Avenue. Travel approximately 300 feet and make a right turn onto Mt. Adams Avenue (Mt. Adams Avenue turns into Wine Country Avenue which turns into Country Club Road). Drive for ~6.1 miles. Drive through the intersection and make a slight right turn onto Binns Hill Road and drive for ~2.5 miles until the road turns into gravel. Travel for ~0.5 miles to the staging area.

2) From I-84 westbound take Exit 62 and turn left onto Cascade Avenue. Follow the remainder of the directions above. This staging area has two entrances on the right hand (north) side of the road, offers improved parking equestrian facilities, and is located on Hood River County Forestry Department property. The staging area is day use only, is rocked, has a loading/unloading ramp, has a vault toilet, a couple of picnic tables, and is big enough to accommodate trailers.


Henry Buckalew

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