OMRA Monthly Meeting Minutes for May


  • Justin Lewis, Chuck Worley, Carl Feague, Barrett Brown, Dave Cady, Tina Cady, Dan Harte. On the phone: Patty Best, Dan Jordan.

Old Business

  • Club Invoicing: Agreements sent to promoters. May need to invoice. Nobody took $375 / no comps. (Created for MSMC.) To go ahead and invoice clubs.
  • Brochure Status: Justin to wrap up then send to Dan J. for printing. Website good for event info, shift away from forum. FB is popular. Justin tags promoters who then can update FB content.
  • Sponsorship payment status: Golden Tire / Bent Lever due. Motorsports sent corrected check. PBI due. Justin to get with Fox and James. KTM / Husky contingency paperwork submitted.
  • Non-Comp Fees: Jordan to get non-comp events to Tina for invoicing.
  • Lobbyist Agreement: Barrett passed along offer to lobbyist to work specific issues (on road travel bill, etc) for $500. Responsiveness to direction in question (inconsistent). Will continue to follow.


  • Like to continue to add “rider rights” content to website. Justin has video content from the first several XC races (drone too). Should be enough to create promotion reel.
  • Chucks newsletter sent. Will put together another for this summer. See attached treasury report.


  • Jordan emailed a request for $90 for two aluminum (OMRA / trail crew) signs for the new bridge. Chuck motioned / unanimous.
  • Started in 1970. Grant for MRA to buy 400 acres near Medford for $765k. Need to raise $63k. June 15 deadline. Fund raiser this weekend. OMRA has a fund for related issues. Previously used to donate chain saws, etc. Use to $6400 to sponsor 40 acre parcel? Justin motioned, Dan H. seconded / unanimous.

Competition Report

  • 1 GP and 4 XC’s done. Weather issues in spring. Being flexible with worker points for rider schedule conflicts. Working toward incremental improvements at each venue. China Hat a success. Steve sent a letter to MRA on few items that was well received. Promoters shuffling events dates is a concern. Mandatory AA list created - nine members. AM to EX bumps - seven members.
  • Chuck working with Tom to coordinate with Shannon (LOBOS) regarding promoting the dual sport series.

Membership Update

  • Patty still receiving memberships. Many on gold card. Turn out for kids has been strong. 356 members.


  • Classes are going well. ATVs are a boost. 4H concerned. Six new evaluators. OMRA liability – “new rider training course” vs safety evaluation. Parents have six months to work with child before card is required.


  • On road travel bill. Both versions reconciled before going to floor. Key was 20k population limit. Whatever county wants to invite use is now eligible. Ready to go to floor. At that point amendments could be added. Doug Riggs in attendance would help prevent as would “position” letters that could be read at the time. Board pay lobbyist a few hundred to write these letters? Barrett to coordinate?
  • Another bill addressing “office of outdoor recreation” within state parks. Designed to promote Oregon outdoor recreation. Would like to join existing stake holders. Part of this is Travel Oregon. They have a survey out currently asking residence about activities they enjoy. Would be valuable to get these into the OHV community. Justin to broadcast email?

New Business

  • ISDE rider donation? (Devan Bolin) Used to do fund raiser poker run. No apparent donation precedent. Link to a specific expense? Currently has a Go Fund Me set up. Currently at $2429 / seeking $15k. Reed thought entry fee was $750. Long standing OMRA member. Dan motioned / Justin seconded – unanimous. Tina to send check.

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