VOLUNTEER: OMRA Sponsored Work Party at Pinemont

Project Overview: 
In the last few years, Pinemont Loop trails 300 and 310 have become more and more popular with both motorized and non-motorized users. This trail system is in need of some TLC after the previous long winter season. Many of the trails are becoming narrowed by brush. A few trees have fallen and are lying across the trails. OMRA is sponsoring this work party to help this trail system!

Work Day Objective: 
Oregon Motorcycle Riders Association (OMRA), other volunteers, and Hood River County staff will cut and remove brush and downed trees from Pinemont Loop trails (300 and 310). The trails will be opened and cleaned-up so they are ready for the 2017 season.

Saturday May 27th, 2017.

Start time is 9:00am. The fun will end at approximately 1:00pm but the opportunity is there to work longer if you’d like or to recreate on the trails.

Place to Meet: 
Meet at Pinemont Staging Area. See driving directions below. The work party leaders will take everyone to the work locations.

Late Comers:
If late, go to the staging area and look for flagging that will lead you to the work locations or just follow trail 300 out of the staging area and go left on 310 until you see the work party.

Work Party Leader: 
Jordan Rhinevault and Rick Higgins (both Hood River County OHV staff) will lead the work party. Feel free to contact Jordan at (971)340-5596 or Rick at (541)490-2643 if you have any questions.

Hand tools (loppers, rakes, shovels, Pulaskis, McLeods, hoes, etc.) will be provided but feel free to bring tools of your own.

Coffee J, water, work clothes, gloves, sturdy boots, safety glasses, hat, water, lunch/snacks, sunscreen, rain gear, etc! Be prepared for some hard work, some easy work, and lots of fun!

Volunteer Hours: 
Your volunteer hours will be documented to help satisfy requirements for the County’s current Oregon Parks and Recreation Department ATV Operations and Maintenance grant. This will be a big help for Hood River County’s Trail Program and will make our trails safer and more fun to use!

Pinemont Staging Area: (motorized)
1) From I-84 eastbound take Exit 64 and turn right onto White Salmon Highway (Hood River Bridge Road). Make an immediate right turn onto US-30/OR-35. Continue to follow OR-35 for ~10.4 miles. Make a left turn onto Pinemont Road (N-17) and drive for ~1.3 miles. Pinemont Staging Area is on the right hand side of the road.
2) From I-84 westbound take Exit 64 and turn left onto White Salmon Highway (Hood River Bridge Road). Travel for ~300 feet and make a right turn onto US-30/OR-35. Follow the remainder of the directions above. 


Henry Buckalew
Trails Program Coordinator/Forest Technician II
Hood River County Forestry Department
office: (541)387-7089
cell: (541)387-4295

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